Northern Valley Beacon

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Hey, Dr. Rice, we checked and you were wrong.

When Bill Clinton upbraided Chris Wallace and Faux News for trying to ensnare him, he stated that he tried and failed to stop bin Laden. He said, “When I failed, I left a comprehensive anti-terror strategy…” for the incoming administration.
During her interview with the New York Post (a sister medium with Fox News owned by Rupert Murdoch), Condi Rice said his statement was false. “We were not left a comprehensive strategy to fight al Qaeda,” she said, and advised people to consult the 9/11 Commission Report to see what actually occurred. She added that during the nine months before 9/11, the Bush administration did as much as the Clinton administration in combating terrorism.

She said if we want to see the facts, check the 9/11 Commissin Report. We did. And we found that the Report confirms Bill Clinton's version.

For the documented passages from the report that refute Condi Rice's version, go here.

Yup, Bush,Inc. blowing hot air, but it was "Chris Wallace" not "Mike Wallace". The wingnut loon columnists are spinning furiously to make this look like crazy Bill versus the ever alert brave White House.
Woops. Thanks Doug. A careless error.

The attempt to vilify Clinton's personality rather than pay attention to what he was actually saying is the official Republican propaganda ploy, and we are into Orwellian totalitarianism in a way that seems unreversible at times.

I am correcting my mistake. Thanks.
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