Northern Valley Beacon

Information, observations, and analysis from the James River valley on the Northern Plains----- E-Mail: Enter 'Beacon' in subject box. Send to:

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Great job, George. The Bush syndrome infects Aberdeen

Last week a number of people who will advise the elderly on whether they will benefit from the new Medicare prescription plan came to Aberdeen to attend a meeting for explaining the options. Some drove a hundred miles or more. When they trooped to the office where the meeting was to be held, they were met with a sign on the door that the organization had canceled the meeting and was rescheduling it for that evening. Most of the people who came to the meeting could not stay for the evening.

Yesterday, Interfit Health was contracted to give flu shots at Wal-Mart to the high-risk people. The vaccine was there. Interfit was not. The people who came to get shots had to go home without them.

Furthermore, Aberdeen has not received enough vaccine to distribute to the public. We were told after last year's shortage that it would not happen again.

The level of competence and integrity that the Bush White House has demonstrated in Iraq and the hurricane-ravaged areas seems to have become a model of performance for anyone with anything to do with government programs.

And the people suffer. Oh, some of the ultra-regressives will wail about how we can blame these failings on George Bush. Well, this is the man who campaign on restoring integrity and respect to the nation. He has set the moral and functional agenda.

Great job, George.

Go, fellow Brownies, go.

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