Northern Valley Beacon

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Thursday, August 18, 2005


How to be a Democrat when the Democrats suck

That's the headline of a post by jgmallory over at TPM Cafe.

A lot us think that the Democrats have defected from their intellectual and moral principles to find peace in an earthworm colony. Or they let the Republican national trait, mindless belligerence, scare them into an endemic weakness of the bladders. So, we have lost some recent elections. Does that mean we should give up on America?

Then look at Gary Hart's take on the issue at Huffington Post. American democracy went out of fashion with the election of George W. You want it to be something more than a nostalgia item, you may have to do something other than make nice to the folks who think that by turning the c0untry over to oil companies, who they think will run the country better than the government ever did, we will save babies, keep ourselves secure from pissed-off Islamics, and establish Rush Limbaugh as mother superior of family values.

Oh, dear Democrats, if you think there is something in America worth saving, you had damn well better do something to save it . And that is find a little backbone.

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